Are you ready for summer? If not, don't worry. We've got you covered 😉 With our selection of incredible products, we're here to make sure you are ready for Dezemba!
There are few things we love more as South Africans than the #Springboks and the lead up to summer. We're excellent at hustling all year long and when it hits November, we know we're in the final push for our well deserved time off (sorry corporate and retail, you're in our hearts and minds).
But getting summer prepared isn't just about the final push push push until December, it's about making sure you have some essential supplies and finding ways to get that skin and body of yours looking tip top and healthy AF. We all want to look sun kissed, dewy, healthy and glowing, Girl! Here are some of our essential tips to hack that summer skincare routine!
Winter is done baba! Done! We have no time for that ashy skin. It's time to shed the post winter grey and embrace your summer skin beneath. Exfoliating is an excellent way to not only revive your skin but also to prime your skin for all the nourishment you can get onto it. We have an excellent range of exfoliators available, both physical and chemical which can suit different needs. Personally, our Sugar and Salt Scream Scrubs are my go to! The Citrus Scrub with added Vitamin C, Glycolic Acid, Squalene and Poppy Seeds is a firm fam favorite.
While it is time for summer and sun, water and general joy, it is not time for sunburn. Nothing wipes away that summer bliss more than the sting of sunburn. Which is why we have 2 different SPF's available. SPF is essential and one of the best ways to keep your skin looking brighter, healthy and avoid damage from sun exposure. Sun Protection is always a priority during the summer months, but this is a concern for year round too which is why our SPF 30 is only R60.00.
Skin Care with Actives!
We've done the research, we know the ways to get the most beautiful skin out there. And we have a brilliant ranges to choose from. The time to prime your skin and get the look you want is now. We have an epic collection of Brightening Products and we have an amazing collection of Skincare with Actives under Feel (good) Skin. Or you can select some of the products from our Men's Collection that are simply premium! Some products can make your skin sensitive to the sun so ensure that your routine is compatible with your upcoming plans and load that SPF into your cart.
The complete Feel (good) Skin range costs only R385.00 for all 6 products.
The complete Brightening Body Range costs R585.00 for all 9 products.
The complete Men's Collection costs only R460.00 for all 7 products.
Make a statement this Christmas!
Are you hosting this Christmas? If you are, why not pop one of our Luxury Diffusers in your home and enjoy fragrant and beautiful spaces around your home.
And if you're not hosting, why not have a look at some of our incredible Christmas Gifting options. From some delicious bath goodies, to bathroom essentials, we've got you covered from just R95.00.
~ Jess